Safe and Inclusive Schools for All Students to Thrive
As the current school board director for Zone 7 Kina is already demonstrating their ability to serve the community and seriously appreciates their oath to ensure students are engaged in their studies, students have achieved their goals, and students are equipped for their futures.
Organizations and community members support Kina
Kina is proud to share the values and have the support of the following organizations and members of the community:

Melanie Kebler
Bend City Councilor
Barb Campbell
Bend City Councilor
Mike Riley
Bend City Councilor
Rita Schenkelberg
former Bend City Councilor
Marcus LeGrand
Bend-La Pine School Board Director
Shimiko Montgomery
Bend-La Pine School Board Director
Melissa Barnes Dholakia
Bend-La Pine School Board Director
Carrie McPherson Douglass
Bend-La Pine School Board Director
Zavi Borja
Bend Parks and Recreation Board Director
Deren Ash
La Pine Park and Recreation District Board, Vice Chair
Karen Rippberger
Stonewall (LGBTQ) Caucus of the Democratic Party of Oregon, Chair
Jaylyn Suppah
Vice Chair, Education Committee for the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs